
Hi, my name is Victor Winberg born and raised in a small town called Hofterup. Lived in Lund when started at the Faculty of Engineering and then moved to Malmö.

I discovered early on a keen interest in computers and technology, resulting in a natural choice to study the Technology Programme during high school. With passion for programming, problem solving and challenges, I started studying Master of Science in Computer Engineering at the University of Lund. Now I work in Malmö solving problems with programming for a living.

With over 3000 commits on Github, I have had many school, hobby and fun projects over the years that I have learned everything from programming languages such as; Python, Javascript, Elixir etc., to specific frameworks such as; Node, React, Phoenix, etc.

Personal interests

My professional and hobby interests exists within software, software design, game development, image & graphics, web design and web creation. On my spare time I create my own websites, develop games and edit videos.

Social links